How to Marie Kondo {tidy} your inbox!

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This may shock you, but it turns out that the average Joe spends around 2 hours a day on their emails. That's a lot of screen time my friend, and not the good kind!

So there are definitely things you can do to reduce the amount of time you spend checking and writing emails, and I have 5 tips and tricks which will help you get your inbox under control - and maybe even a little more organised!

Side note - I'm feeling a bit like the Marie Kondo of the digital world right now.

Just sayin'!

1. Unsubscribe
And be ruthless about it. If you're always deleting that junk mail that comes through, then just unsubscribe to it. You'll actually feel SO much better once it's done. It's actually a therapeutic experience.

2. Schedule "email" time
You're probably thinking, "what the HECK is she talking about here?". What I mean is dedicate particular times each day to go through your emails. It might be once a day, twice a day - it's all going to be relative to how many emails you need to respond to, but switch your notifications off or close down your emails completely outside of the time you're checking/writing emails. This will actually allow you to focus on what you're working on and you'll be more productive. I swear by this tip!

3. Use Labels
If you're not a GSuite user you probably have zero idea of what I'm on about here, but i'm just talking about using folders and subfolders. Categorise your emails so that you aren't scrolling for days looking for that one particular email or using the search bar at the top. Keep everything nice and tidy so that you don't waste your time when it's already limited.

4. Automatic/Canned Responses
These are brilliant if you are sending the same type of response out to multiple emails a day. This will save you so much time, so if you're not already using it then you HAVE to get on it straight away!

5. Snooze
OMG. This is probably one of the best features that GSuite added to their email function. So, when it comes to alarms I am a massive fan of snoozing, so why would it be any different with emails - right? The main purpose of snoozing your emails is to basically send it away from your inbox for a particular amount of time until you need to action it. You could send it away for a day, a week, a month. You set the day and time you want to see it and... BOOM! It's back in your inbox ready for you to action. How good is that?!


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